Digibyte price prediction. DGB vs USDT. LONG from 12.11.2021

2 year(s) ago
figure #1
Chart patterns for DGB vs USD

We have "4 reasons why DigiByte will grow" in 2021
  • The current picture resembles an ascending triangle, which has already been broken upward by other altcoins in a similar scenario, for example, 1INCH

  • We have increased volumes that push the price higher. So the interest in the coin remains. It looks especially good when this volume comes from dynamic support.

  • You can see that after the volumes pushed the price up from the dynamic support, we have formed an upward trend (when the lows and highs rise) - marked with black ticks.

  • The price is fixed above the moving average with a period of 100 days. As long as the price continues to be above this moving average, this tells us that we are more likely to continue moving in an upward direction.

Of course, the potential triangle is rather big, and this story can drag on until January, but if the scenario comes true, we will get significant growth.

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